
Consob, an Italian financial markets regulator, has published earlier today yet another set of warnings to investment businesses targeting Italian residents without being authorized.

The latest additions to the warning list include: Sep Global Ltd,Worldwide Safe Investment Limited, Yamix Marketing Ltd, Binaytion, Worldwide Security Investment Limited, Marshall Advanced Innovation Ltd, Mtn Global Ltd, Marshall Software Ltd,and Mtn Worldwide Services Limited. The list includes several unauthorized Forex brokers and binary options.

Consob issued a warning to the following companies:

Worldwide Safe Investment Ltd, Binaytion, as well as Worldwide Security Investment Ltd were warned because they don’t have the authorization in any way to provide investment services in Italy; this includes the portal “High Frequency Trade”.

Companies who are also not authorized to market in Italy in any way are Mtn Global Ltd and Mtn Worldwide Services Ltd,and that includes “Byrix” trading portal.

Marshall Advanced Innovation Ltd and Marshall Software are also unauthorized to offer investment services in Italy in any way, and that includes “”.

Yamix Marketing Ltd is unauthorized to provide any type of investment services in the country of Italy, which includes using “”.

Sep Global Limiteddoesn’t have the authorization to sell investment services in any way in Italy, and that includes “”.

The Italian Consob has added more Binary Forex options traders to its warning lists and potential customers who intend to invest in Binary options are expected to read these lists before making their final decisions. Italy’s consob has listed the following as those on warning lists;

– Worldwide Safe Investment Limited and Worldwide security investment limited,

– Mtn Global Ltd and Mtn worldwide services Limited,

-Marshall Software Ltd and Marshall Advanced Innovation Ltd

-Yamix Marketing Ltd , and

-SepGlobal Ltd.

Worldwide Safe Investment Limited and Worldwide security investment limited has been banned because they were not authorized in the first place, to provide investment services within Italy, including online investments. Mtn Global Ltd and Mtn worldwide services Limited is also not authorized to conduct any financial investment services within the country, its License has been revoked after financial irregularities were discovered some years back. Marshall Software Ltd and Marshall Advanced Innovation Ltd are not authorized to offer any Binary options investment trading businesses in Italy , including through their online avenues.

Yamix Marketing Ltd has been offering illegal Binary Options trading businesses in Italy through its, its licenses has thus been revoked and Investors are advised to stay away from conducting business with the company. Sep Global Ltd has been stopped from conducting unauthorized Binary Options trading in Italy for a coule of years now, however, some investors are still reporting that the trader is still operating.

These are five of the banned Forex traders that has been banned in Italy, depositors are advised to withdraw their money immediately from these traders and stop doing businesses with them until further investigations are completed. It is unfortunate to note that these companies have defrauded many Italians because of their bogus claims of huge returns on investments.