There is no telling what is going to happen on any given day of the week in regards to currency exchange rates, however there are of course at certain times of the year when things are going to happen that will dramatically affect the value of one of more currencies.
Take the UK for example, you can set your clock in regards to when the Governor of the Bank of England is going to make a decision on whether to raise interest rates or keep them as they are, and several other countries are renowned for making regular and on time similar decisions in regards to interest rates and / or whether they will be printing more money via Quantative Easing schemes.
It is a times like these when you should be making your owned informed decisions on whether one countries currency is going to move in one direction or another based on fact based information you have acquired before the announcements on changing interest rates and the such like are to be announced.
We have not seen on time when such a statement has been made that currency exchange rates have not moved in one direction or another, and as such if you are interested in making a Forex trade then do so in advance of these statements and use all of the information you have available at your finger tips to do this.
If you do fancy placing and making Forex related trades then look at sites such as the GTOptions or Banc De Binary site for they will allow you to pair together any two worldwide currencies in regards to making a profit when one of them swings one way or another.
You will of course be able to take a new customer sign up bonus at sites such as our top rated Any Option site or the equally as good 777 Binary and 24 Option sites and by taking these sign up trading bonuses then this will give you even more options in regards to placing Forex trades online.
You may also be looking to hedge your holiday cash via a Forex trade and this is one of the main reasons a lot of casual online Forex traders so start trading currencies, for by buying their holiday and vacation currency in advance they can then hedge against the currency they have purchased decreasing in value by placing ongoing Forex trades right up until the point they fly off on vacation!