The Asian Markets fell after the release of the US data of the interest rate decision from the European Central Bank and Nonfarm Payrolls data. Investors were not keen to trade on the Asian markets and these made the markets silent throughout the session and this may continue tomorrow as expected. Hang Seng closed low at 0.60%, ASX closed low at 0.46% whilst Nikkei closed high at 0.22%.
The European markets were also traded low due to the ECB’s interest rate decision and this caused the inflation data to be lower than expected. Mario Draghi, the Head of ECB will find solutions to prevent deflation in the Eurozone. Investors are still bearish and anxious until the announcement is made tomorrow. During tomorrow’s session, the Central bank will further discus on plans to stabilize the European economy. The FTSE closed low at 0.26%, Stoxx also closed down at 0.10% and Dax closed high at 0.07%.
The release data of the private sector employment and trade balance that was worse than expected caused the American markets. The equities were bullish and investors await the release data of ECB interest rate decision as they feel it will be related against inflation. In U.S., the labour market is in recovery and many markets participants feel that the data release of the Nonfarm Payrolls will be positive. Dow was up by 0.08%, Nasdaq closed up at 0.40% and the S&P closed up at 0.17%.